Thursday, June 21, 2007

Weekend Assignment Shots: From the Data Room

Here are some random screen shots from the film. Certainly these are raw and no color art direction has been applied as I will. These are all shots from the first half of the movie. A few people have been asking "What these bizzare movie pictures have to do with my Smell-o-vision?" These pictures are from a movie I am creating to put into my device or "Smell-o-Vision" HA I would like to reiterate that smell is not the only new component, hot&cold air, as well as humidity will be PIPED in as well.

Clip from: Act 1 Scene 13

Clip From: Act 1 Scene 7
Clip From: Act 1 Scene 7
Clip From: Narration

The blue background will be choma-keyed out to be the N.S.W.A. Lodge. (National Sasquatch Watchers of America)
Clip From: Act 1 Scene 7

Clip From: Act 1 Scene 7
Clip From: Act 1 Scene 9